Register with ease on our enhanced applications
BPP Applications
BPP has a variety of applications which have transformed the registration process for most of her procurement procedures.
“We use technology to automate our system for efficiency and accuracy”

For Tranparency and efficiency!
Our ApplicationsBPP Applications
Contractor Registration System: A National Database for the Categorization and Classification of Federal Contractors and Service Providers across the nation
The Procurement Online Conversion Registration (POCR) is designed to enable the shortlisted nominated candidates for conversion to procurement cadre to register their details and conduct a pre-training exercise.
Procurement Officer Management System (POMS) database enables BPP to effectively track the mobility of procurement officers across the nation and also verify the ministries to which each officer is assigned.
Nigeria Open Contracting Portal (NOCOPO) is about opening up public procurement in Nigeria through increased disclosure of procurement information to all stakeholders
The Price checker is a web-based platform that enables Vendors to register and upload their merchandise(with full description and price details).